Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why yes I am...

There are alot of things people choose to do with their free time. From sports to collecting, from art to working out. The possibilities are endless. Even two people with the same passion don't seem to go about it the same way. And what good is living if you can't do something that brings you a little slice of happy?

So what is my "thing" you say? Why I am a gamer. Ever since my college years I have played one mmo or another. My current one is Lotro. I am not ashamed to be a thrity-something kid at heart that loves playing a game with freinds. My wife on the other hand finds it hard to see just what I see in this. And to this I say "To each his own". I find some of the things other people do as a waste of time, but hey, if they are happy good for them.

Everyone does their "thing" to get away from the daily grind. And really that's what it is for. Everyone needs a little something to make it all seem ok. Most people you see that always seem down and bitter just has not found their "thing" yet. Give them time they will get there. And nothing in the world makes someone happier than you taking a little time and supporting what they like to do. Just a little understanding and show of interest in what they do will go a long way.

Just give them a little of your time and care about what they love and they will go out of their way to do the same for you. It is a cycle that feeds itself and will only make things better.

And for times when you may not get what someone is into, just ask and listen. I am sure they would love to share it with you.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Yes I am lazy, and NO I haven't posted in a bit. Sorry I just have been using all my time to master the art of doing NOTHING. And I think I almost got it!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

To the Sleep Gods...

I have a small request on my wifes behalf. She really needs a bit more sleep than she has been getting lately. So if you could work out a little extra time for her to spend in dreamland that would be awesome. She does deserve it for all the stuff she puts up with. I mean she has big sister and of course little sister to deal with. Then you go and add myself and other daily tasks to the list and it really starts to add up. So maybe next time you can have it so baby sister sleeps an hour our two longer and big sis makes it all night without an issue. Thanks guys I know she will ready appreciate it alot.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Out of sync..

Sorry been out of pocket (aka. lazy) lately will get some new stuff up this weekend. Lots of ideas floating around just no time yet.

Monday, August 22, 2011

If you can't pay rent, then you can't stay here!

So a couple nights ago the wife tells me she hears something in the wall. Ok... I told her it was probably a mouse that fell into the wall and would probably soon die there so not to worry. Fast forward a few days, and she comes running into the man cave (My studio room) saying there was a mouse sitting on the toilet paper roll just starring at her. So thinking "This I gotta see" I go to have a look and sure enough there is a little baby mouse just chillin on the tp looking at me as if I had done something wrong! We stood there and just had a moment, just starring into each others eyes like two long lost lovers. Well not really, but I was thinking the whole time "this mouse has balls!" I mean he just sat there looking at me like "What are you gonna do about it?"

So I go to look for something to kill it with. My first thought was to get my softball bat as a I knew that would take care of the issue, but I didn't want to tear up anything so I kept looking. I came across some wasp spray. Yeah I know it says "WASP" right there on the label, but it also had a warning label saying it could cause death in humans, so it should work right?

I venture back into the bathroom with my weapon locked and loaded to find Mr. Fearless waiting in the same spot I left him. Ok so maybe this mouse has a mental problem, I thought. Anyway, I soaked the little guy down and he ran around like a freak on crack rock. I cornered him again a few minutes later and hosed him down again. He ran away under the tread mill so I left him to die a slow painful death.

I few hours later I went into the kitchen to get a glass of OJ before heading off to bed and heard something under the fridge. I was like "NO freakin way!" this guy is a trooper. So I get out my flash light to check it out and sure enough there he sat under the fridge munching away on a stick (which I still haven't figured out where that came from). So this time I decide to go caveman on him and go at it with a broom stick handle. After much poking and prodding a manage to spear him right in the head against the back wall, resulting in a loud popping noise! After digging it out and parading my defeated foe around and showing the wife I had slain the vile creature and she could sleep peacefully now, I threw him out back for the ants to feast on.

As things settled back down I went back to the fridge for that said beverage. Low and behold another one was setting there licking the peanut butter off the trap I had put out a few hours earlier. OMG what is this "When Mice Attack" or something. A grab the broom stick and pop this one in the head as well. Repeat previously stated ritual of showing off my kill and dispose of the body.

So off I go for some much needed sleep. The next morning the wife yells at me "Mouse Mouse". To which I think, "Geez why don't we just move to the landfill, the conditions have to be better, right? Anyway long story short, this was the little guy I had sprayed and he was really having a hard time to even move. That wasp spray had really done a number on him. So I swept him up and just threw him outside knowing he only had a short and painful time to live.

Now maybe they are all gone and I can stop sitting hear listening to every little noise wondering if there are any more...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Not?!?

So i try not to talk about political stuff, because it usually just makes me mad, but...

Ok so we now have or have had for a while our first African American president. Which I don't have any problems with mind you, but I do believe the main reason he is there is because of his race. I think the american people were tired of the current trend and wanted to try something new. For this reason alone I am going out on a limb to say that the current Republican front runner Michele Bachmann is going to be the next President.

Which brings a whole new set of questions to the table. Like will we need the respell President with an "a" to change the gender of the word like "Presidant"? And most men presidents have gone to war when they do not like another world leader, will she instead put them in "Time Out" instead of dropping bombs? Just food for thought...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Signs of Self Grandeur

First lets start off with a little lesson. The word grandeur is defined as:

1. Splendor and impressiveness, esp. of appearance or style.
2. High rank or social importance.

So with that out of the way, do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like it would be awesome to be, say, a Formula 1 race car driver...

Well if you answered "no" to that maybe it's something else you wanna be. I know most days I wake up it would be awesome to be a Premier League Futbal (Soccer) Player. Or a famous race car driver. And there are even days when I would like to be a TV personality. But instead I get on up and get ready for work...

Now don't get me wrong, I do love my life the way it is (excluding my financal life) and love all the people in my daily life. But you would have to be a crackpot monkey (I don't know where that came from) to not have these self deluted dreams every now and again.

Really, what use would life be if we didn't see ourselves in these roles and give us something to think about other than our daily grind. So what drives you? Go ahead and get it off your chest and post it in the comment section. It will make you feel better, promise...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Soundtrack of Your Life

I think life is better when it has it's own soundtrack playing along in the background. Everyday things change from plain and boring to events in and of themselves when the right music is playing along. Take for example, working out. No one likes to do it, but it does seem a lot more bareable with a upbeat hard pushing rhythm coupled with some guy/gal pouring all he has into the vocals. It just makes you want to work that much harder to equal their effort. Even the mundain things in life like washing clothes is knocked up a notch when you have a swinging do-whop oldie to move your butt to while loading the clothes.

I have a new app on my phone that has a mood listing you can add to a song. I have found this to be way better than putting them in a genre type playlist. I set up one "Mood" called "Harder & Faster". It is mostly used when riding my motorcycle or working out. It makes the rides to work feel like you are part of an action movie. I have "Moods" setup up for laying around which includes ton of smooth and silky Jazz tunes. A "Bar" mood packed with great blues songs, "Club Bouncing" mood with the latest pop stuff, "Sleepy Time" mood loaded with slow ballards and piano tunes.

I am not sure if they have ever done any kind of study to see the effects of music on the human mind or body, but I am sure they would find the effects if they looked. I mean when I hear a song that has a lot of energy I really feel like I have that extra bit to get me through whatever it is I am doing. Then there are the sad lonely songs that make you feel like you just broke-up with your high school sweetheart. I guess what I am getting at is that music can impart an emotion in which your physical body reacts to. So the next time your feeling down after a bad day at work, why not change your luck and put on something that takes you to a happy place or some Indie Rock that makes you rebel against the down feeling.

So what's your soundtrack like? Feel free to post in the comment section...